"Pitchez" votre idée

Reynald Naulleau, founder of KRER

Do you have an idea for KRER? Don't hesitate to share it with us, there's never a bad idea 😉. Perhaps it will be selected and launched soon by our KRER team? So we are listening to you...

With KRER, we want to follow the Economy of Francis in all our achievements, putting the social aspect, spiritual capital and poverty at the center of our achievements. For example, our mobile APP 2024 for pilgrims, will develop much more the spiritual capital of the pilgrimage, to give even more meaning to this path. For having made the way to Santiago de Compostela, I really missed a good quality APP, with all the useful information at each stage and highlighting the meaning of this pilgrimage to the tomb of Saint James. So it's up to you...